Monday, May 28, 2007

Our New House!!

Well, we did it! We finally moved!! We actually moved last Saturday, the 19th. Life has been too crazy to even think about putting pictures on the blog. We are still living amidst boxes and empty walls, but things are starting to come together!! Here are a few pictures of the outside. The inside needs some updating and is a mess, so those pictures will come later. As you can see, we have a wonderful backyard that Eli has been enjoying tremendously!! The house is 2400 sq. ft. where our last house was just under 1500. So, we have a lot more space for Eli to put his toys!! We really thank God for this house. It has been an interesting journey getting here, but we believe this is the house God wants for us. So, we'll do our best to use it to bring Him glory!!


The Harveys said...

Welcome home! I can't see the first picture, though. It isn't downloading! We can't wait to see it in person!!

Danko Family said...

Congrats on the new house Leah!!! I can't wait to see more pictures of it.

Laura said...


Congratulations! That backyard is such a blessing for Eli. What fun he'll have.

Unknown said...

Congrats! Where is your new house in relation to your old one?

The Girberts said...

It is actually only 8-10 minutes more west than our old house. Great location!!! You'll have to come down sometime soon and see it! We are hoping to come see you very soon so John can paint the house without us here!!

I have to apologize to everyone about the pictures. They weren't loading for some reason. I re-loaded them and hopefully these will work!!