Monday, June 25, 2007

Big Boy Bed Update

Okay, so today has been an interesting day for the big boy bed. During Eli's nap he played in his room for about 30 minutes and then started banging on his door yelling "Mommy" about a hundred times!! He finally opened the door and just stood there crying waiting for me to come. I went in and rocked him for a few minutes and, pretty much, just laid down the's nap time and you stay in your room until Mommy comes to get you. I told him he didn't have to sleep, but that he did have to stay in his room. He fussed a little, but went right to sleep!!

Tonight was a little different. He went to bed just fine and after almost an hour flings the door open just wailing. I'm not totally sure what happened, but we did discover that his Ocean Wonders Aquarium's batteries were totally dead. So, John headed out to Kroger to get batteries and I tried cuddling with Eli in my bed hoping he would go to sleep. Nice try, Mom!! He bounced around and was just plain silly! When John got back and we had replaced the batteries it was back to bed for the Kick!! Once again, he went right to sleep. I guess he still needs to get used to his big boy bed!


Suzanne said...

I'm sorry that this is difficult! :(

The Girberts said...

Thanks for the sympathy! It's really not too bad, but it is pretty funny! His face when he flung the door open last night was pretty funny!! It is definitely an experience, as it potty training, which we are just beginning. Very scary!!

Wilson Family said...

That's funny that he just stands in his room waiting for you. Well, you did tell him not to leave it until you came and got him. He listens well! :)

Suzanne said...

Potty training and big boy bed at the same time! I'm praying for you! :)