Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Eli & Mason playing dress-up!

Well, finally, here are some new pictues! We were out of town on vacation with my family (pictures on next post) for a week and then Eli came down with croupe as soon as we got home. So, we have sort of been out of it! He is feeling much better now! Praise the Lord! And he is even beginning to sleep in to between 8:00 & 8:30 a.m.! Dobuble hallalujah!! He wasn't feeling too bad last week to pull out most of Mason's bandannas and want to play dress-up with her! If you can tell, she ended up having six on at one time!! Then, he wanted to take her for a walk se he got the leash out! Poor Mason!

1 comment:

The Harveys said...

That's so cute! They look like best buds!!