Saturday, November 03, 2007

Halloween 2007

After our picnic, we went back to Carrie's house, let the kids play and then ate some "scary" dinner!! Then, it was time for Trick or Treating!! Even Lucky participated in the dressing up!!

Eli quickly caught on that every time you go to a door you get candy!! He and Emilee and Kenzie would take off to the next house while Jolie carried on a conversation with the person who last gave her some candy! It was too funny!!

These next few pictures aren't so good since it was so dark but these are two houses in our neighborhood that really went all out. After Trick or Treating in Carrie's neighborhood we headed home and specifically hit these two houses. Eli loved playing in the haunted castle with the little boy who lived there!! He could have stayed there all night if we would have let him. We still have to drive by the houses once a day!! Well, until they take the decorations down!!

1 comment:

The Lobozzos said...

That is the cutest Thomas the Train I've ever seen :) Looks like you guys had so much fun!!