Tuesday, June 06, 2006

A Visit to Grandma Smith's!

After visiting in Cincinnati, Eli and I drove up to Franklin to visit Grandma Smith. Eli sure did enjoy exploring a new place and Grandma loved stealing kisses from him! Thanks, Grandma, for letting us invade your house! With Eli, and all his stuff, it is always an invasion!

Eli's cousins and Aunt and Uncle came to visit the first day! All the kids had a blast playing together and getting to know each other!
I had bought Eli a little pool because the neighbor's little girl had one and he acted liked he wanted to play in it so bad! However, when I blew it up and filled it with water, all he wanted to do was carry his new balls around. He completely ignored the pool. Crazy kid!
Grandma Smith was amazed at how much Eli liked corn on the cob!
Eli discovered Grandma Smith's sister's jewelry box and had so much fun playing in it!
The only way I could get Eli to sit in Grandma's lap to get a picture was to bribe him with milk. Milk always works!

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