Tuesday, June 19, 2007

'Night 'Night Hugs!!

Everynight, after we read our books and say our prayers, Eli gives Mason (a.k.a. Sissy!!) hugs and kisses! He loves his "Sissy"!!

John went to a music festival close to Nashville this past weekend with his friend Brad. Their main purpose in going was to see the Police. Anyway, Brad's wife and I had a sleepover with our kids! They had a blast. I'm bummed I forgot to take any pictures while we were there. Eli had a little accident with their step stool. He cut his chin pretty good. It doesn't look like much, but boy did it bleed. Chandra and I had to tag team him to put ice on his chin. He didn't like that at all. Amidst his screaming and crying while we are holding him down he started saying..."I go bye-byes"..."I play car trucks!" I felt so bad for him. Thanks, Chandra, for hosting us and for helping with Eli's boo-boo! We appreciate it!!

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