Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Swim Class at UT

Last week and the week before Eli had swim classes at UT. He did pretty good!! The first week he was a little hesitant about doing any of the exercises, but the last week he started to really do well!! He never did get comfortable with swimming on his back. The main point of the classes for him was really just to get used to the water so he wouldn't be afraid. The water was really cold everyday, but we still had a good time!!
Here, his teacher and I are trying to coax him to lean back and put his head on my shoulder. He did it once the whole two weeks and only for about two seconds!!
Swimming on his belly!

Here is Eli's teacher, Miss Kari!!


Unknown said...

Hey Leah... I would like to take Eli to swim lessons. Who would I contact?

Laura said...

That's a great idea for Eli to already take swim lessons.