Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Few More

Well, here are a few more pictures of "Baby Pickles." For those of you who might be wondering about the name "Baby Pickles" that is what Eli calls her. We are not sure where it came from, but a couple of months ago someone asked him what the baby's name was going to be and he said Pickles. Well, it has stuck and we actually think it is completely adorable!! She did great last night! From the first time I nursed her she latched on with not problems!! The only problem over night was getting her to wake up enough to feed. She would wake up on her own but then fall back to sleep as soon as I got her in position to nurse! At Ft. Sanders Regional, they won't allow the baby to stay in the room if no one is awake, so I would feed her and then they would take her back to the nursery. It is kind of nice being able to get some sleep. We'll see what happens when we get home!!

Here is John passed out on the fold out chair. He said it was surprisingly comfortable!!
Also, feel free to check out my sister's blog (Chris & Carrie's Blog) for more pictures! She came and photographed Eli and Pickles's first meeting!! Thanks to everyone who has commented and been praying for us! Delivery was cake this time compared to Eli and I feel God's presence blessing our little foursome!! Thanks to Josh & Tonya and Lowell & Kim who are helping out with Eli last night and today last minute! We really appreciate your flexibility and kindness! We know Eli is enjoying his time with you!!


The Lobozzos said...

Well once again CONGRAULTIONS!! "Baby Pickles" is just so adorable and beautiful!! We were so thrilled to meet her! We were also excited to keep Eli for you all last night.....he DID GREAT!!

The Rollysons said...

Baby Pickles is absolutely beautiful! The girls are so excited to have another cousin- they had me pull up her pictures several times last night. We all can't wait to meet her.