Saturday, June 21, 2008

How To Lose Your Pregnancy Weight...

Get really sick and spend three days in the hospital. Well, I wouldn't recommend it but that is exactly what happened to me. It all started on Tuesday afternoon when I thought I was developing another ulcer (I had one after Eli was born). By the end of the evening I thought I had come down with a stomach bug. By Wednesday morning I was feeling better and thought I was on the mend. Wrong!! Around 1:00 on Wednesday afternoon I started getting some severe cramps in my lower abdomen. I was doubled over in pain and sobbing uncontrollably. John immediately decided I needed attention (good man!!) and we went to the hospital. Kids and all!! It was quite interesting because when we got to the hospital I was crying and so was the baby!! I felt bad for anyone around us. One of the receptionists graciously took the baby out of her seat and kept up with her and Eli while I got admitted and settled. I couldn't get pain medicine fast enough.

Finally, I was given some morphine and, within five minutes, was feeling much better. After about 6 or 7 hours I was diagnosed with an infected uterus and admitted to the hospital. Once in my room I was put on some serious antibiotics via IV and more pain medicine. It took about 36 hours for me to start feeling better. Friday morning was a turning point. My temperature began to return to normal and my stomach no longer felt like it was crumbled into an itty-bitty teeny-tiny ball. My body and the antibiotics were finally starting to beat this thing.

The weird thing about me having an infected uterus is that I had a normal vaginal delivery and it was five weeks ago, not a few days ago. Only about 1% of these cases are patients like me. Oh, well. I am just thankful we have good insurance!! So, this morning, I was discharged and finally able to go home. I want to thank everyone who helped us out during these crazy few days. Thanks to Josh, Tonya, Lowell, Kim, Dad, Alana, Tricia, Susie, Calvin and, of course, my amazing husband who have helped with the kids!! John was such a champ. Being thrust into taking care of both kids out of nowhere was crazy, but he responded with a loving and servant heart!! Our house was a little messy when we got home, but that was easy to take care of!!

I am feeling so much better now!! God has been so kind to us these past few days by providing friends and family to serve us and a healthy body to respond to medicine. I am so thankful this didn't turn into anything more serious! Thanks to all who have been praying for us and who are going to provide meals for us!! We greatly appreciate your generosity!! Thanks, Laura, for organizing those!! We are so thankful for our family, friends and church!

Here are a couple pictures of the little girl. I noticed her hair was getting a little greasy and couldn't remember the last time I gave her a bath. So, here she is after her bath today!!


The Harveys said...

I can't tell, but....I think she's starting to look like Eli!!

She looks so BIG!!!

Unknown said...

I am so glad you are feeling better. Let us know if you need anything. Jenny is getting so big and so pretty.

Wilson Family said...

Oh my gosh! I had no idea you were sick! I'm glad you are better, it sounds like it was an ordeal! Glad you are better now! Jeeny is getting so big just in the last couple weeks. She does look like Eli, but in a girly way!

Danko Family said...

Wow poor mommy! I'm glad to read that you're better. Kudos to John and the rest of your family and friends for being such a big help to you!!!