Friday, August 01, 2008

Busy Saturday

We had a very busy Saturday last weekend. It started before 8 a.m. with me going to Wal-Mart to do our grocery shopping. That was actually a great time to go because no one was there. Apparently, Wal-Mart doesn't get busy until around 10 a.m. Also, it was raining, so that scared even more people away.

After I got home and put most of the groceries away we headed to Eli & Jolie's last swim lesson. This week, the parents got to watch!!

Jolie liked the goggles!
Eli didn't!!

After swim lessons, we all headed to Cracker Barrel for lunch! Thanks, Dad!! Jolie loved cooing at Jenny!
Kisses!Really cute picture! I may have to frame this one!After lunch we were off to a birthday party for one of Eli's MOPS buddies, Jackson!Jenny hung out with me in the Snugli!After the party, we finally headed home. Jenny had a bit of a rough evening. I don't think she likes to be away from home that much. I usually stay home more and she definitely prefers home!! Which I am thankful for!!


Katina Sharp said...

Sounds like a busy day. I'm glad you guys could make it to Jackson's party. He really had a great time with all his buddies there!

Unknown said...

Jenny is so beautiful! I can't believe how big Jolie and Eli are. It is so strange to see pictures of them at a swim lesson!! That's a big kid activity! Time does fly. When I met you all they were just new borns. Eli looks so cute with his little sister. He seems like a great big brother!
-Sarah Davis