Saturday, January 03, 2009

Christmas 2008

Christmas with my family is a three day event!! We start with dinner at our house on the 23rd followed by a "Dirty Santa" game. Eli and Jolie don't actually play the game, they just exchange gifts. Jolie gave Eli a hobby horse!! He loves it!!

Here's Taylor wearing the underwear I got! She's so silly!

Day two we spent at Tricia's house for appetizers and stockings. I only took this one picture there because I just didn't think to take more. Jenny looked so pretty in her dress, too. Oh, well.
Day three, Christmas at home and then over to Poppy and Grame's house. Here's Eli checking out his loot on Christmas morning! He was soooo excited it was finally Christmas!

"Mommy, help! I'm surrounded by stuff!!"
Always a hand on her head!! Silly boy!
Helping Daddy open his stocking.
Helping Mason open her stocking.
Eli's big gift! Well, it's really for both kids, but Jenny obviously won't be able to play with it for awhile!!
And...after the chaos has ended!
Now over to Poppy and Grame's to do more silly things!

Look at that!! A big truck!!
Wouldn't you know it??? Another big truck!!
"Okay. That's enough!"

And, here's Eli's "Lil' Helper" set we forgot about until two days after Christmas. Oops!!
We had a wonderful Christmas! God was very kind and blessed us so much! We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

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